Noémie Chataigner

Affectivities and reflexive rearrangements: the co-design of a support system for the experience of bereavement in an establishment for the elderly


The presentation analyses a research-action in ethics and design conducted from and with the contextual realities of institutions for the elderly. It is from a shared disorder, emerging from the painful experiences of mourning during the COVID-19 pandemic, that a collective investigation is initiated into the modalities of accompanying this experience and the co-design of a support device. The situated and contextual approach leads to an exploratory process of the modalities and issues of co-design. Collaboration and participation lead to an opening up of the design by maintaining an unknown and the occurrence of potential deviations. From an internalist perspective of ethics, we will try to show that a practice of situated and collaborative design does not only allow to identify the needs of a situation and of the stakeholders, but also to allow mutual configurations to occur between the situations investigated and the project frameworks. We will first show the suspension of ‘interpretative routines’ (Sabel, 2012) through the meeting of the disciplines of ethics and design. Then, the emergence of a common commitment of the actors in a “collective inquiry” (Dewey, 1938). Finally, we will analyse the conflicts, misunderstandings and distancing that may have arisen, as moments of opening up the design to improvisation. This opening up of the process to a succession of affections and rearrangements by all the actors in the process contributes to a concordance between the design process and its output: the setting up of a device for facing up to the experience of bereavement.


Noémie Chataigner is a PhD student in ethics and design at the University of Paris-Saclay, within the Ethics and Epistemology Research Team of the Center for Research in Epidemiology and Population Health, and the Chair of Philosophy of the Hospital. She is an attaché of Applied Arts and a former student of the design department of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris-Saclay. In her research, she questions the possible maintenance of a reflexivity between the conception and the reception of technological innovations in the context of care.