Maximilian David Fritz, Marie Page & Fabio Rösh

Co-Creation of a Common Feeling


“Co-Creation of a Common Feeling” is a contribution of first hand experiences, theoretical reflections and further enhancements of a selected artist’s residency between 2019 and 2021 in Zurich, Switzerland. Educated and employed as architects, the trio were confronted to approach artistic articulation and, so to speak, its complete freedom of acting.

Not as one sole individual, but as collective, the group had to develop an unique way of performing within the realm of artistic creation. This seams especially challenging due to the fact that architectural production, discourse as well as education have been primarily based on aspects of highly intellectual constructions such as concepts, strategies and methodologies within an exclusive field and mostly articulated by sole individuals. 

In several spatial, temporary and public accessible installations, the trio experimented with multisensorial aspects of one single object – the architecture of the residence. Unlikely as trained, the installations were not designed from a situated perspective, but were developed on-site, on-time and on-scale. This transformation of these one-to-one experimentations into objects to display, can be rather seen as a section through time in the process of the trio’s dialogue with their surrounding.

In order to question criteria as well as to extend the form of recipients from creators, critics and audience to a rather collective sense, a modus operandi, needed to be developed, incorporated as well as performed by all three. 

This “Co-Creation of a Common Feeling”, a notion that was established in hindsight, is primarily based on the linguistic triad of “Making”, “Thinking” and “Living”. It can be seen as a vessel for a holistic design approach, linking the individual to the collective, the person to the society, and guides as a moral and an aesthetic imperative for creative production.


Marie Page (*1988), Maximilian David Fritz (*1993) and Luca Fabio Rösch (*1992) are a trio of architects and re- searchers. Between 2016 and 2019 they graduated from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich), receiv- ing a MSc. in Architecture. From 2019 to 2021 they have been selected for the “SWB Experimenthaus Neubühl” art- ist’s residency. In 2021, together with nineteen other persons, they co-founded the collective „la-clique“. Addition- ally to their artistic engagements, they work as professionals in the field of architecture as well as Marie Page as a Scientif- ic Collaborator at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFLausanne).