DAY 1 | 04 NOV

Time in Valparaíso, ChileTime in Bruxelles, BelgiumDetails
16:00 – 16:1020:00 – 20:10Opening and welcoming: Eric Vanoverstraeten, Faculté d’architecture, d’ingénierie architecturale, d’urbanisme UCLouvain’s dean; & Juan Carlos Jeldes, Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño PUCV Valparaíso’s director
16:10 – 16:2020:10 – 20:20Seminar presentation: David Vanderburgh & Iván Ivelic
16:20 – 16:3020:20 – 20:30Documentary Film Presentation: Charles Palouzie / Daniel Sandoval
16:30 – 17:3020:30 – 21:30Documentary Film Projection

DAY 2 | 05 NOV


Time in Valparaíso ChileTime in Bruxelles, BelgiumDetails
10:00 – 10:1514:00 – 14:15Keynote speaker general presentation: Scientific Committee
10:15 – 10:4514:15 – 14:45Keynote Speaker: Tim Ingold
10:45 – 11:0014:45 – 15:00Questions and answers
11:00- 11:1015:00 – 15:10Nancy Ji: A new kind of DIY in contemporary post-growth Japan, Japan
11:10- 11:2015:10 – 15:20John Wagner, Nadyeli Quiroz: It takes a village; USA
11:20- 11:3015:20 – 15:30Benoit Vandenbulcke, Harold Fallon, Benoît Burquel: Buero Kofink Schels In Practice; Belgium
11:30- 11:4015:30 – 15:40Belen Desmaison, Kleber Espinoza: Collective infrastructure of care in the Peruvian Amazon; Perú
11:40- 11:5015:40 – 15:50Maximilian D. Fritz, Marie Page, Fabio Rösh: Co-Creation of a Common Feeling; Sweden
11:50- 12:0015:50 – 16:00Nina De Jonghe, Marleen Goethals: Temporary design & build interventions as participation experiment; Belgium
12:00- 12:1016:00 – 16:10Break
12:10- 13:0016:10 – 17:00Round table: Session’ speakers moderated by Tim Ingold, David Vanderburgh & Iván Ivelic,
13:00- 14:0017:00- 18:00Break

DAY 2 | 05 NOV


Time in Valparaíso, ChileTime in Bruxelles, BelgiumDetails
14:00 – 14:1518:00 – 18:15Keynote speaker general presentation: Scientific Committee
14:15 – 14:4518:15 – 18:45Keynote Speaker: Aslihan Şenel
14:45 – 15:0018:45 – 19:00Questions and answers
15:00 – 15:1019:00 – 19:10Alejandro Borrachia: Full-scale Final Work; Argentina
15:10 – 15:2019:10 – 19:20Madelaine Coline: The design-build pedagogy France
15:20 – 15:3019:20 – 19:30Alessandra Bruno: « Alles ist verboten » Experimenting in public spaces ; Belgium
15:30 – 15:4019:30 – 19:40Felipe Mesa, Catherine Spellman: ORANGE 1; Arizona State University, USA
15:40 – 15:5019:40 – 19:50Daniel Mallo, Armelle Tardiveau, Abigail Schoneboom: Unravelling the live project; UK
15:50 – 16:0019:50 – 20:00Kristýna Smržová: 1:1, From the idea to the reality and back; Czech republic
16:00 – 16:1020:00 – 20:10Break
16:10 – 17:0020:10 – 21:00Round table: Session’ speakers moderated by Aslihan Şenel & Luciana Saboia,

DAY 3 | 06 NOV


Time in Valparaíso, ChileTime in Bruxelles, BelgiumDetails
10:00 – 10:1514:00 – 14:15Keynote speaker general presentation: Scientific Committee
10:15 – 10:4514:15 – 14:45Keynote Speaker: Mark West
10:45 – 11:0014:45 – 15:00Questions and answers
11:00- 11:1015:00 – 15:10Chris Reyman: Improvising Collaboration; USA
11:10- 11:2015:10 – 15:20Noémie Chataigner: Affectivities and reflexive rearrangements; France
11:20- 11:3015:20 – 15:30Dirk De Meyer: Learning from Giotto: a space for public gesture; Belgium
11:30- 11:4015:30 – 15:40The OtherAbilities & What Do I hear? Project Team: Collective experimentation for accessible and equitable art exhibition spaces
11:40- 11:5015:40 – 15:50Ibrahim Gundogdu: Improvising Common Labor and Resource; Turkey
11:50- 12:0015:50 – 16:00Christine Fontaine, Joëlle Houdé, Jean-Louis Vanden Eynde: Youyang-lab; Belgium
12:00- 12:1016:00 – 16:10Break
12:10- 13:0016:10 – 17:00Round table: Session’ speakers, moderated by Mark West, Ana Valderrama, Murray Fraser & Penelope Haralambidou
13:00- 14:0017:00- 18:00Break

DAY 3 | 06 NOV


Time in Valparaíso, ChileTime in Bruxelles, BelgiumDetails
14:00 – 14:1518:00 – 18:15Keynote speaker general presentation: Scientific Committee
14:15 – 14:4518:15 – 18:45Keynote Speaker: Jilly Traganou
14:45 – 15:0018:45 – 19:00Questions and answers
15:00 – 15:1019:00 – 19:10Rosa McElheny: Document as Form; USA
15:10 – 15:2019:10 – 19:20Nicolas Atlé, Michel Prégardien: A Shed at Designers as ‘interpreters; Belgium
15:20 – 15:3019:20 – 19:30Beth Weinstein: Re-scripting the spatial through Lepecki’s Choreopolitics; USA
15:30 – 15:4019:30 – 19:40Oscar Andrade, Isadora Aubel:Calculation and uncertainty: the Travesías e[ad]; Chile
15:40 – 15:5019:40 – 19:50Alex Binh Nguyen: Exploring the Temporal Impact of Interactive Architecture; Belgium
15:50 – 16:0019:50 – 20:00Corinna Dean, Maria-Chiara Piccinelli: A Shed at Shatwell, Making, Thinking, Doing; UK
16:00 – 16:1020:00 – 20:10Break
16:10 – 17:0020:10 – 21:00Round table: Session’ speakers, moderated by Jilly Traganou, Yeoryia Manolopoulou, Paulo Dam & Ana Betancour
17:00 – 17:1021:00 – 21:10Poetic closing word: Carlos Covarrubias