Ana Betancour


Ana Betancour is an architect and Professor of Architecture, former Rector at UMA School of Architecture, Umeå University (2015 – 2019), Professor in Urban Design at Chalmers (2007 – 2014), previously Associate Professor at KTH School of Architecture Stockholm (2001– 2007), The Bartlett, University College London (1999 – 2003).

She has lectured, published and exhibited widely, and has been a member of many international juries and committees including the Swedish National Research School and Architecture Academy; the Mies van der Rohe Young Talent Award; the editorial boards of AJAR and FOLIO, and is currently on the board of directors of Stockholm University of the Arts; Advisory Group to the Delegation for Sustainable Cities Sweden; the Academic Advisory Board to the African Futures Institute; the Architectural Research European Network; the New European Bauhaus Collective; the Radical Architecture Practice for Sustainability, the Architecture Critic Award Sweden, the Golden Trezzini Award, and the Future School at the Korean Pavilion in La Biennale di Venezia.