Daniel Sandoval


Chilean filmmaker

Originally from Santiago de Chile, he studied Biology at the University of Chile and then Film at the Universities of Paris 3 and Paris 8. He specialized in restoration, conservation and film heritage. In the early 1990s he was responsible for the project to create the National Cinematheque of Chile for the Ministry of Education and launched the nitrate film restoration program in his country. He has been a professor at the Catholic University of Chile, at the University of Paris 8 and founder of the film school of the Arcis University in Santiago. He was director of the La Serena silent film festival for 10 years. In 2002, he decided to settle in France and made several documentaries and institutional films, mainly for museums in France and Belgium. In 2008, thanks to the delegate of Wallonia Brussels in Santiago, Geneviève François, he met Charles Palouzie, they began to shoot the first images in Ciudad Abierta with the aim of making a documentary that eventually became a close relationship of collaboration in various projects with Ciudad Abierta and the schools of architecture of the Catholic Universities of Valparaiso and Louvain-la-Neuve.